Sunday, October 08, 2006
9 Daily Habits
When I opened my e-mail this morning. Striking! =p Want to share it with you...
Although there may be many people who may be 'born' leaders, the ability to lead is actually an art and an amazing collection of skills; which can all be learned and sharpened. The following top 9 daily habits will help us grow as a leader personally, professionally and spiritually.
1. Develop a positive attitude
It is very possible to alter your attitude by altering your mind. Saturate yourself daily with motivational literature, positive people, and inspiring music/art. By conditioning your mind to be more positive on a daily basis, you will find that winning will be a daily reward of your life.
2. Increase your Knowledge base
Great leaders are highly competent, because they are dedicated to a high level of learning, growth, and improvement. Devote at least 20 minutes each day to learning something new. Do not settle for knowing 'how' to do something. Dig deeper by asking the question 'why', 'when', 'what',' where' and then, go get the answers. Search the internet, speak to the experts, or take a day trip to find the answer to a question that is on your mind or the minds of those who follow you.
3. Accept responsibility
Great leaders never play the role of a victim. They recognise that part of being a great leader is being ultimately responsible for all successes and failures of the team. On a daily basis, analyse your current projects, and ask yourself 'Have I done all that needs to be done? What more could I have done?'Once you have analysed each project, if you find a weakness, go the extra mile by working extra hours, hiring an outside expert, or getting really creative to repair the weakness or to turn it into a success!
4. Surround yourself with great people
One of the secrets of a great leader is great people. Hire the right staff, surround yourself with a strong inner circle, and spend time daily with people who have a variety of 'gifts'. With the support of a strong circle of people around you, you will be ready for anything that comes your way.
5. Self-discipline
What do you need to develop self-discipline? Following a better diet or exercise routine? Getting up one hour earlier? Being rigorous with your spending? Learning something new every day? Eliminate excuse-making from your life, and begin to develop habits that will invite self-discipline to become the foundation of your life. Hire a coach to support you during the development of a routine of self-discipline, and remove rewards until the job is done!
6. Feel the fear & do it anyway!
By a show of courage, you will inspire others to follow and to walk in your footsteps. Spend 20 minutes each day doing something simply for the sake of developing courage; speak to an audience, make a difficult phone call, write an article or visit someone you have always been trying to avoid. As Eleanor Roosevelt acknowledged: 'You gain strength, courage and confidence every time you really stop to look at fear in the face.'
7. Value Time
Great leaders show up for every appointment, and they are always on time. Each day, practice not only showing up but being ten minutes early for each and every appointment. 'The early bird gets the worm' has never been so true than when it applies to becoming a great leader that others are inspired to follow.
8. Communicate effectively
As a leader, your communication should be simple, clean, and clear as a bell. Examine both written and verbal communication for simplicity and clarity. Use as few words as possible, and eliminate jargon and 'big words' from your vocabulary. Express yourself in a way that your listeners can understand. Also, watch your body language!
9. Self Audit & Grow
Your depth of character is the key to determining your success as a leader. It is easy for us to say that we are 'in integrity,' but our actions are the real indicators of strength of our character.
posted by Rainier & Katrina at 10:55 AM | Permalink |